Jigoku Steam Workshop Kannawa
Kannawa area is famous since the Edo period for it's cooking style, Jigoku-mushi, using hot steam from the jigoku onsen.
A monument of the cooling down device, foot bath, history of Kannawa, onsen, and information center of jigoku. In the Pocket park next to the facility there is Ashi-mushi (foot steam), and foot bath available for disabled persons on wheelchairs. Price:Jigokumushi pot (30 minutes)…500yen ※Jigokumushi pot(large)…800yen charge for every 10 minutes extended…150yen charge for every 10 minutes extended for large pot…250yen book of coupons(10 tickets for 30minutes use)…3,000yen coupon when using large pot…2coupons, 40 minutes each Entrance fee, foot bath, and foot steam are free
Hours:9:00~21:00 (The latest acceptance is 20:00)
Address:Furomoto 5kumi
URL: http://www.city.beppu.oita.jp/02kankou/0…
Closed:Every 3rd Wednesday of the month
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